雨墨视觉摄影,2009年成立至今始终坚持使影像以“大道至简”的理念把本真朴实的生活写照容纳进摄影创作里,雨墨视觉摄影团队专注户外旅行婚纱的拍摄记录,让每一对新人都能把最幸福的一瞬永远保存记录下来是我们的使命,每一张画面力求做到还原眼睛看到真实场景把:细节、成次、质感、纹理、色彩 表现最佳效果于艺术经典融为一体。
Our vision, founded in 2009, has always adhered to the image of the "road to Jane" concept to the really simple portrayal of life received into photography, visual attention to outdoor travel photography team our wedding photograph, so that each couple can make the happiest moment forever recorded is our mission. Each picture to see the real scene to restore the eye: the details, time, texture, texture, color performance in the best effect of classical art.